GrownUpSAC PhotoGallery - Bratislava, Slovakia, October 2006


Keith's photos
Gerard's... um...Weekend in Bratislava.

Bridge over the Danube. (33,654 bytes)IMG_1668.jpg (84,192 bytes)IMG_1669.jpg (78,965 bytes)IMG_1670.jpg (90,910 bytes)IMG_1671.jpg (59,837 bytes)
IMG_1672.jpg (59,781 bytes)IMG_1673.jpg (48,822 bytes)IMG_1674.jpg (89,609 bytes)IMG_1675.jpg (53,953 bytes)IMG_1676.jpg (94,815 bytes)
IMG_1677.jpg (87,861 bytes)IMG_1678.jpg (77,031 bytes)IMG_1679.jpg (79,964 bytes)Guess who! Complete with scorch marks from the controlled explosion on the outfit! (42,893 bytes)IMG_1681.jpg (42,350 bytes)
IMG_1682.jpg (51,578 bytes)IMG_1684.jpg (57,365 bytes)IMG_1685.jpg (60,789 bytes)IMG_1686.jpg (39,039 bytes)IMG_1687.jpg (82,389 bytes)
IMG_1688.jpg (40,317 bytes)IMG_1689.jpg (42,936 bytes)IMG_1690.jpg (63,942 bytes)IMG_1691.jpg (57,933 bytes)IMG_1692.jpg (58,968 bytes)
IMG_1694.jpg (44,257 bytes)IMG_1695.jpg (46,137 bytes)IMG_1696.jpg (66,577 bytes)IMG_1697.jpg (52,779 bytes)Mmmmm... steak... you've no idea the trouble we had getting this very nice steak! (63,528 bytes)
IMG_1700.jpg (38,029 bytes)IMG_1701.jpg (49,642 bytes)IMG_1702.jpg (61,333 bytes)Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear oh dear. (60,057 bytes) Bratislava at night. (59,801 bytes)
IMG_1705.jpg (61,646 bytes)IMG_1706.jpg (56,344 bytes)In case you were wondering! (45,771 bytes)IMG_1708.jpg (49,061 bytes)IMG_1709.jpg (47,780 bytes)
IMG_1710.jpg (39,153 bytes)IMG_1711.jpg (46,949 bytes)IMG_1712.jpg (53,925 bytes)IMG_1715.jpg (54,878 bytes)Dave entirely failing to get sex. Shame... she was nice, too. (39,575 bytes)
IMG_1717.jpg (44,358 bytes)IMG_1718.jpg (45,877 bytes)When this chap (and his colleague who would not let me photograph him) told Andy and Gerard to stop messing about... they stopped. (55,515 bytes)Botel Gracia on the Danube. (44,487 bytes)Bratislava Castle. (47,403 bytes)
IMG_1722.jpg (38,382 bytes)IMG_1723.jpg (69,109 bytes)IMG_1724.jpg (31,012 bytes)IMG_1725.jpg (35,428 bytes)IMG_1726.jpg (28,992 bytes)
IMG_1727.jpg (54,200 bytes)IMG_1728.jpg (24,318 bytes)Curiously, the tug here is called IMG_1730.jpg (52,943 bytes)IMG_1731.jpg (39,298 bytes)
Gerard is somewhat the worse for wear... (85,774 bytes)IMG_1733.jpg (82,664 bytes)IMG_1734.jpg (62,026 bytes)IMG_1735.jpg (78,661 bytes)